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Introducing new offers. Information on how the cash register works. Creating consistent signage in all stores. Quickly onboard new employees into your processes. Ngager turns your challenges into opportunities.

No more phone calls about processes

With a high turnover, part-time staff and constant changes, a system that can quickly bring your team up to speed on all processes and routines is needed. There are too many phone calls and analog processes that could easily be consolidated in one place. As a leader, you'll find yourself more hands-on and gaining a better understanding of your organization. Your employees will be in the loop as you gather all the knowledge and processes they need. And all this happens on their phones.

Everything in one place

A user-friendly intranet for all store employees is crucial for a successful business. Constant phone calls about recurring processes and pinned printouts can be streamlined and digitally collected in one place. Our system is a comprehensive toolbox that easily adapts to your business - where efficient onboarding, clear frameworks and guidelines, supportive videos, and communication are appreciated tools by your staff. Let us help you streamline your employees so they can focus on what matters.

Ask. Listen. Act.

A present leader provides employees with a sense of security in their roles. In a store with various types of employment, it's challenging to create a unified organization where everyone moves towards the same goals. With our system, you as a leader have the tools to get close to all your employees, where multiple communication tools help you set goals and change your monologue into a dialogue. Together with your employees, you will develop your business.

Examples from everyday life

Create a Successful Business

Creating an intertwined organization where all employees work towards the same goals is challenging. As a leader, you need the tools to get close to your employees and to succeed in your role. With Ngager, you get both. We help you focus on what's important, thereby creating a successful exchange for both your employees and customers.

Get started

Fill out the form so that we can contact you and talk about the needs of your business.